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​A destination where you can interact with Japanese culture and nature

We deliver you to more private places, such as facilities that blend in with nature or carefully selected high-quality accommodations that you have never visited before.

Visit facilities in harmony with nature and carefully selected high-quality accommodations that you have never visited before.

​We will deliver it to a more private location.

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Auberge where you can enjoy sushi in a national park

moku iseshima

The only auberge in Japan where you can enjoy sushi in a national park

Located on a remote island in Ise-Shima National Park, this private villa is limited to one group per day.

The rooms have an indoor bath with a view of the ocean and an open-air bath with a view of the stars.

An Auberge where you can enjoy sushi in a national park, the only one of its kind in Japan.

Located on an island in the Ise-Shima National Park, it offers a private villa for one group per day.

In each guest room, there is an indoor bath with a view of the sea and an outdoor bath where you can stargaze.

the Best Clients and Partners


​* Reservations will be moved to various sites

AIRC drop point​

Places that would take several hours by car only take a few minutes with air mobility

airc for business

​A new way to provide business travel and entertainment

​With one application,Complete your travel reservation.

Helicopters and private jets can also be arranged.

New ride-hailing platform

to airc

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